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for Windows 2000 / XP
Operation Time
Research Software
User's Guide
Version 2
?All copyrights of this software and user guide book are reserved by JASI Corporation.
Use, playback, disclosure and distribution by any means, exceptpursuant to a written license from
JASI CORPORATION. Use of copyright notice is precautionary and does not imply publication or
?Because we can't bear responsibility about influence to anotherof result that installed this software,
approve it.
?About this software and contents of user guide, we may change it without a notice for improvement.
?The intellectual property right of copyrights contained by thissoftware isn't moved to user.
JASI Corporation
“Microsoft Windows”is the products of Microsoft Corporation. Other products are each companies’products.
?Copyright 2004 JASI Corporation. All rights reserved.
Operation Time Research Software -MPEG Version 2.1IntroductionThe Study of MOTION AND TIME: which deals with the correlation between motions and times required to physically realize them has been a fundamental and scientific IE(Industrial Engineering) method for improvement of production activities in the world industrial fields since it was established by Frederick W. Taylor (1856 -1915) and Lillian M. Gilbreth (1878 -1972).However. any practical application of the method has scarcely been made by industrial firms so far partly because it requires not only sufficient technical knowledge but also abundant experience to precisely observe and analyze each production activity performed by workers, by use of stop watches, and set up any sequence or combination of them for more efficiency. ejecting useless processes and, partly because the method is supposed suitable for experts only, enforcing them to be much strained in acquisition and analysis of working process element data, though it has also generally been acknowledged useful or effective by theindustrial circle of Japan.Nowadays, it is just the time of international cost competition,?the age when none of production companies can survive without any managerial improvement.The most effective measures to conquer the severe situation ‘TIME CONTROL SYSTEM’,the production system shift from the conventional to the new control system will surely be accompanied by the motion and time method. The only problem involved with the methodology has been such a thing but everybody is able to assure himself of his getting familiar withit.Indeed, the study of motion and time has been supposed to require a lot of time and much labor, frequently making personnel engaged in it feels troublesome. This prevailing common sense is here drastically overthrown by the epoch-making OTRS-MPEG (Operation Time Research Software).The new software, with the full support of personal computers (PC), can make it far simpler and easier to study and analyze motion processes and time required and to establish standardized motion and time, which will also be much more efficient than ever in reduction ofworking hours or labor saving.
Operation Time Research Software -MPEG Version 2.1ContentsOTRS-MPEG OverviewOTRS-MPEG Operating RequirementsInstallationProtector Driver InstallationOTRS-MPEG InstallationAnalysis Procedures by OTRS-MPEGCapturing of video movies for OTRS-MPEGOTRS-MPEG OperationStart Up MenuConfigurationMater file Backup/RestoreWord PickupAnalysis & RegistrationAnalysis & Registration ScreenAnalysis & Registration OperationMotion AnalysisMotion Analysis ScreenStandard Operation for the Motion AnalysisHow to Analyze the MotionLimitation of AnalysisPlayback of Motion Analysis ResultPlayback ScreenHow to playback the Motion Analysis ResultCalculationPlayback the Sound(Narration) /Comment Playback Limited for playback of Motion Analysis ResultNarration FunctionNarration Recording ScreenHow to record the NarrationEditing and Playback of Analyzed MotionsEditing & Registration ScreenEditing LayoutPlayback Of Editing Result Registration for the Playback for the ComparisonRegistration for ComparisonPlayback for the Comparison of the MoviesPlayback of Comparison ScreenPlayback of ComparisonMarker1235689101314151617242527284546474955596060626367687174757682838489

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